Did you have a birth that didn’t go as expected? Do you notice feelings of regret, sadness or fear arise when you think about childbirth? Do you struggle to put into words what you’ve gone through?
If you find yourself agreeing with any of the questions above, you might have some unresolved feelings around your birth experience. In severe cases, you might be experiencing birth trauma. Birth trauma can arise as a result of a difficult or highly medicalised birth, an emergency situation, or a lack of appropriate support. It might relate to the physical damage to your body or stem from feeling alone or out of control.
As a result, you might be left with negative feelings about your birth or find that you avoid thinking about it. If you experience symptoms such as flashbacks, severe anxiety, or unwelcome recurrent thoughts about the birth, you might have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) due to birth trauma.
Whatever the degree of severity, it can benefit you to resolve negative feelings surrounding the birth of your child. Finding a way to reconcile yourself with the birth you and your child experienced will allow you to bond more closely and leave the trauma behind.
Many women feel that dreading childbirth is inevitable. And yet, just like with any fear, there are ways to manage, diminish or eliminate it. What is more, feeling relaxed about your upcoming birth is likely to contribute to a positive, even joyful, experience.
While antenatal classes often contain sessions on calm birthing, many women find specialised Hypnobirthing courses to be helpful. In addition, therapy sessions allow you to work through individual emotional concerns surrounding giving birth, explore your needs and strengthen your capacity for acceptance on the day.
If you are in any way hesitant or worried about giving birth, using your remaining weeks or months of pregnancy to learn about yourself and the process of birthing will give you the best chance of facing the event with confidence.
As a new mother who has undergone a difficult or traumatic birth, you might be struggling to understand your feelings or find it difficult to talk about your experience. Know that your feelings are valid. Many mothers face the same challenge, and with the right support and guidance, you can navigate your way to recovery.
Birth trauma therapy aims to help you process your traumatic birth experience in a safe, compassionate environment. Our therapists use evidence-based therapeutic approaches to help you understand your feelings, reduce your symptoms and support your path to recovery.
Therapy can help you:
Navigating PTSD after pregnancy or a traumatic birth experience can be a daunting process. However with the right support, you can make strides towards healing. If you would like to talk or have any questions about birth trauma therapy, please reach out.
For any questions and to book a consultation, contact us over the phone or via email: